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<pansyp> I think we should talk.
<seamusf> funny, I vaguely recall you saying something along the lines of "we can't do this anymore"
<seamusf> "just don't talk to me Gryffindor"
<seamusf> "this never happened"
<pansyp> I remember what I said you prat
<pansyp> Just thought we didn't get to end things last night like human beings and I thought you might have also wanted to at least know where we stand
<pansyp> Whqt we are.
<pansyp> Ergh ^what
<seamusf> you were quite clear on that actually
<pansyp> For goodness' sake Seamus this isn't easy for either of us!
<pansyp> Do you have any idea what they'd say in Slytherin Commons if they found out?
<pansyp> Or at home for that matter?
<pansyp> Seamus?
<seamusf> you're right of course
<seamusf> i was being a prat
<seamusf> i'm sorry Pansy.
<seamusf> we should talk
<pansyp> Fine, forget about it.
<pansyp> Where?
<seamusf> im not always the best at expressing myself in writing
<seamusf> behind the greenhouse?
<pansyp> You saw how close Professor Sprout was to catching us last time.
<pansyp> Forbidden section?
<seamusf> we may as well just invite Granger outright then
<pansyp> This bloody castle so big yet there's no place to go to when you need a place to yoursef :-/
<seamusf> wait
<seamusf> i know just the place
<seamusf> meet me at the seventh floor stairwell
<pansyp> There's absolutely nothing on the seventh floor...
<seamusf> just trust me and come
<pansyp> I trust you Shay.
<pansyp> Coming.
<seamusf> seeya in a bit.