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<harryp> hey luna
<harryp> can i ask why neville's been wandering around without his shoes on?...
<harryp> i'd ask him myself but he doesn't really want to talk about it for some reason
<lunal> hey harry
<lunal> it was the strangest thing actually
<lunal> as we were leaving class
<lunal> he suddenly couldn't move his feet
<lunal> he nearly fell over but luckily i caught him
<lunal> we tried to get his shoes unstuck for a few minutes but i was afraid we would be late for herbology
<lunal> so we decided to just leave them there
<lunal> personally i think it's kind of liberating really
<harryp> i suppose...
<harryp> any idea why it happened?
<lunal> it might have something to do with draco
<lunal> i think he was out the door just ahead of us
<lunal> he was talking to himself and looked awefully suspicious
<harryp> draco always looks suspicious...