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Stock Codes

From: <>
Date: 20/05/93, 06:55
Subject: Stock Codes
To: <>, <>

Good Morning,

Lots of faculty members have been asking Dobby for stock item codes recently, so Dobby is sending them again.

Dobby hopes faculty members find this list as useful as Dobby does!

  • Dobby
Code Item
9818 Soy Milk
9816 Cow Milk
9814 Rice Milk
9812 Mustard Milk
9811 Owl Milk
8841 Turkish Lettuce
8542 Greek Roast
8374 Mixed Nuts
8313 Gentle Arabica
7712 Large Cucumbers
7481 Pickles
6391 Wyrmwood Broth Powder
5896 Turkish Blend
5527 Chicken Eggs
5524 Ostrich Eggs
5521 Goose Eggs
4962 Cinammon Pine Blend
4756 Ethiopian Roast
3916 Mini Cucumbers
2681 Red Beans
1844 Irritable Robusta
1184 Pink Cucumbers