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RE Groceries

From: <>
Date: 23/05/93, 16:41
Subject: RE: Groceries
To: <>


No problem - Dobby added it to your list.
Dobby will leave the groceries by your door tomorrow morning.

Give Dobby's best to Fang!


From: <>
Date: 23/05/93, 16:20
Subject: Groceries
To: <>

Hi again Dobby,

Sorry, I keep forgetting about the item code thing...

I also have a last minute addition -
Would ye be so kind as to add 20 ounces of item #4756 as well please? (hope I got the code right)

Poor Fang's been having some tummy troubles lately so I haven't been getting much sleep unfortunately.

Thank ye kindly

From: <>
Date: 23/05/93, 11:16
Subject: RE: Groceries
To: <>


Dobby just reminding you (again) that faculty stock lists should use item codes.
Dobby converted them for you this time (again).


From: <>
Date: 23/05/93, 10:54
Subject: Groceries
To: <>

Morning Dobby,

Here's my grocery list for this week:

  • 3 x Red Beans
  • 5 x Wyrmwood Broth Powder
  • 2 x Turkish Lettuce
  • 2 x Mini Cucumbers
